It is the most aesthetic and decorative one among heating systems. It is more efficient compared to heating with radiators, and it is a sample of ideal heating systems enabling homogenous heat distribution.
It provides high level of comfort and does not have surface that will collect dust. It can be integrated to all the heating systems.
Convector can be silver anodized as standard, and it can be dyed to required rale colors. The convector, that aesthetically covers all the walls of the room, can perform heating only at walls with high heat loss as per the heat loss of the environment.
Aesthetic parts have been designed for ends and internal and external corners of the convector.
KSU Series Countertop Convectors
Countertop convectors have been manufactured when there is no distance on the floor for the assembly of convector. As copper pipe aluminum blade serpentine is used at countertop convectors, they are more efficient compared to radiator systems.
Electric Heater Convectors Flooring and Countertop
It is being used at non-humid environments.
Heating is being provided by electric resistances and tangential fans.
It provides easy use; and it is ready for 230V direct connection. It is ready for direct implementation by plug/operate system without requiring a special installation.
As in the other types, anodized or required color linear vents can be used.
Heating is provided through electric resistances whose excessive heating is being prevented by tangential fan. Device is under thermal protection through heating thermostats. Comfortable environment and protection of device is provided by double speed fans.
In electric heaters there exist automatic protector circuit elements against excess heating. It consists of non-corrosive resistances as standard.
It is convenient as per TS EN 12100-1 TS EN 12100-2 TS EN 14121-1 TS EN 60335-2-30 TS EN 60335-1 Standards, and it has CE certificate.
Electric Heater Convectors Without Fan - Countertop
Electric Convector Heaters without Fan have been designed for industrial applications and as resistant to heavy usage conditions.
Over heating thermostat is being used as standard, and freezing thermostat and room thermostat are also used optionally.
Features; • Suitable for heavy usage conditions. • Suitable for floor and wall assemblies. • Manufactured of electrostatic powder painted galvanize case as standard. • Manufactured of non-corrosive case as optional. • Electric resistances are 304 quality non-corrosive. • Has protector thermostat as standard. • Easy installation. • Easy cleaning and maintenance. • Long term usage guarantee.
Areas of Implementation;
• Gallery • Showroom • Depots •Vessels •Freeze prevention •Barns •Greenhouses •Museums •Garages