YD-400S smoke dampers are dampers to be used for smoke evacuation. It is used for prevention and evacuation of smoke at high temperatures. They are wall type smoke evacuation dampers that directly opens to the fire conditions within the building.
And it is expected for the channels and other items -passing through different areas within the building- to be manufactured as being resistant to fire. In implementation with fans or with natural suction, the dampers that will be used in evacuation systems -which can be directly opened to shaft from the area of fire- are designed as to be opened during fire. Dampers within an area not being subject to fire are closed to prevent the dispersion of smoke to other floors.
And in cases when more than floor is being evacuated with a common fan, it shall be able to perform suction only from the area being subject to fire and to close the dampers of other floors.
Thus in corridor and shaft smoke evacuation systems, the operation of separating areas where YD-400S is applied provides advantage in respect of the system.
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